tools, writings & hackathons
open source software & CODE
I developed tools to conduct conjoint experiments in offline contexts with respondents who have low levels of literacy. This app allows you to quickly create conjoint profiles using images on paper (or create your own app with this open source code). You can find code to create a conjoint design using the Qualtrics offline application here.
Here is a [video] and [slides] of a presentation that describes how to use Facebook ads to recruit respondents for online surveys and experiments. For code to automatically send airtime to respondents using Africa’s Talking check out my github repo.
Here is a post we write about creating an online panel using Facebook recruitment.
Blog posts and reports
Here are some news articles and blog posts I wrote about my research on polio vaccination in northern Nigeria, online civic engagement in Kenya, and political participation in Tanzania.
Others have written about my work here, here, and here.
Here are policy reports I’ve written and contributed to, and a video of a presentation I gave at TicTec 2015.
Yang-Yang Zhou and I led a team of graduate students at the APSA 2018 Diversity and Inclusion Hackathon. We asked: what are some ways in which political science departments can create an inclusive and productive climate for all graduate students? Our team’s goal was to brainstorm action items for improving graduate student life, analyze our original climate survey data of 400 current and recent graduate students from political science departments across the country, and create our website to visualize the data and house a repository of resources. We recently received APSA funding to conduct another climate survey.
Alex Meyer and I created and organized Hack4Democracy. We the People/Hack for Democracy was held at MIT in April 2017. We united “hackers” (computer science, engineering, political science, business, communications) with the ACLU of Massachusetts, Generation Citizen and Let America Vote to analyze data and brainstorm solutions to the organizations’ day-to-day challenges. The first place prize went to the “Stop Frisking Me” team.